Drinking Water Treatment Plant

Wipro Water supplies state of the art drinking water treatment plants that follow the highest industrial norms to ensure the quality output to set standards. Surface water though freely available in most regions, is highly polluted and needs treatment before the water is usable. Typical contaminants include suspended solids, bacteria, algae, organic matter, bad taste and odour. Sometime surface water is contaminated with high total dissolved solids (TDS).

A typical drinking water treatment plant consists of chemical precipitation with coagulation and flocculation before settling or clarification followed by media filtration or advance ultrafiltration. Wipro Water designs, manufactures, sources and integrates all components for these plants.

For municipal water supply, Wipro Water offers media filters for pre-treatment followed by advance ultrafiltration systems. In areas where the TDS in feed water is very high - such as bore wells or tanker water supply - we offer advance membrane filtration such as nanofiltration or reverse osmosis systems for drinking water solutions.

For disinfection of treated water, we offer conventional disinfection with controlled dosing of hypochlorite or UV lamp systems.

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